La gent de l'escala Free Watch eng sub no registration no login yesmovies Mojo

La gent de l'escala eng sub no registration no login yesmovies Mojo



La gent de l'escala



Actor: Pep Planas, Toni Puntí / Genres: Documentary / 2018 / Synopsis: The documentary "People of the stairs" analyzes through 21 testimonials "the most emotional part" of what happened on October 1th at the IES Pau Claris in Barcelona. The institute was protected by the neighbors in the morning and when the anti-violence of the Spanish police wanted to access the center to prevent the referendum. The images of the police loads in which the agents were seen throwing people down the stairs were the most widespread in the media around the world and for social networks, in fact it is estimated that 40 million people have been seen . The people on the stairs are a TV3 production, with the collaboration of Minoria Absoluta ' / Creator: Quirze Arenas.

El programa 'Sense ficció' de TV3 emet aquest vespre, a les 21.55, el documentari 'La gent de l'escala' en què intervenen vint-i-un testimonis i tracta de la part 'més emocional' dels fets del primer d'octubre a l'institut Pau Claris de Barcelona. L'institut va ser protegit pels veïns de matinada i quan els antiavalots de la. Watch full episodes free online of the tv series A Gentleman's Dignity Episode 1 with subtitles. Subtitled in Arabic, German, Greek, English, Spanish, French.


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